Call Taking and Handling System


The call taking and handling system (CTHS) is designed to facilitate quick and accurate response to emergency calls, create incident sheets, assign incidents, and dispatch police force, significantly enhancing the city safety. Plus, the CTHS provides the convenient ways for citizens to ask for help in case of emergencies.


Always Find a Way to Report Incident

Always Find a Way to Report Incident

1. Short message 2. Website 3. Mobile application
Present Caller's Information

Present Caller's Information

1. Name 2. Address of the fixed phone 3. Rough location of the mobile phone
Flexible Call Handling

Flexible Call Handling

1. Just be a call taker or a dispatcher, or be both of them, at your will. 2. Incident dispatch across or within administrative levels 3. Transfer incidents to other call takers.
Maximize Incident Management Efficiency

Maximize Incident Management Efficiency

1. Automatically recognize repeated incidents upon typing. 2. Powerful search for incidents based on time, location, etc. 3. Merge repeated incidents.
C/S and B/S Combination

C/S and B/S Combination

1. Client/server architecture in the command center to deliver rich functions 2. Browser/server architecture in branches or police stations for convenient deployment
Workflow Record, from Call to Dispatch

Workflow Record, from Call to Dispatch

1. Timeline-based tracking and recording of the whole process, including incident status change, actions performed, and voice calls 2. Play voice recordings online.
Comprehensive Supervision

Comprehensive Supervision

1. Monitor call takers. 2. Interrupt ongoing calls. 3. Perform call and incident statistics.
Locate Incidents on the Map

Locate Incidents on the Map

Integrate with VCS to locate incidents, first responders directly on the map for improved decision-making.
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