Genel Bakış

Genel Bakış

Kritik görev sesi, PMR kullanıcılarının en önemli ihtiyacıdır ve bunun yanı sıra çoklu ortam hizmetlerine, önemli verilere hızlı erişime ve mobil ofise yönelik talepleri giderek artmaktadır. Yüksek hızlı veri iletimi ve hibrit çoklu ortam, iyi bilgilendirilmiş bir karar vermede ve ne bekleyeceğinizi bilmede büyük yardımcıdır.

Hytera, çok modlu gelişmiş telsizleri, kritik görev sesi, HD fotoğraf çekimi ve video çekimi, geniş bant ses hizmetleri vb. dahil olmak üzere çeşitli işlevlerle donatarak, kullanıcıların aynı anda birden fazla görevi yerine getirmelerini sağlar ve kritik iletişimlerin verimliliğini artırır.

Eşsiz Özellikler

Hepsi Tek Bir Cihazda

Hepsi Tek Bir Cihazda

The full suite of E2E solution provided by Hytera includes terminals, systems, and applications. Rich experience in the dedicated network enables Hytera to design products and in-depth solutions that are closest to customer requirements.
Canlı Yayın

Canlı Yayın

The full suite of E2E solution provided by Hytera includes terminals, systems, and applications. Rich experience in the dedicated network enables Hytera to design products and in-depth solutions that are closest to customer requirements.
Geniş Bant-Dar Bant Yakınsama

Geniş Bant-Dar Bant Yakınsama

The full suite of E2E solution provided by Hytera includes terminals, systems, and applications. Rich experience in the dedicated network enables Hytera to design products and in-depth solutions that are closest to customer requirements.
Net Ses ile Sağlam Telsiz

Net Ses ile Sağlam Telsiz

The full suite of E2E solution provided by Hytera includes terminals, systems, and applications. Rich experience in the dedicated network enables Hytera to design products and in-depth solutions that are closest to customer requirements.
Akıllı Yönetim

Akıllı Yönetim

The full suite of E2E solution provided by Hytera includes terminals, systems, and applications. Rich experience in the dedicated network enables Hytera to design products and in-depth solutions that are closest to customer requirements.
Profesyonel MCS Telsiz

Profesyonel MCS Telsiz

The full suite of E2E solution provided by Hytera includes terminals, systems, and applications. Rich experience in the dedicated network enables Hytera to design products and in-depth solutions that are closest to customer requirements.

AUygulama Senaryoları

  • Kamu güvenliği

    Kamu güvenliği

  • havaalanları


  • Belediye hizmetleri

    Belediye hizmetleri

Örnek Olaylar

  • Hytera Dual-mode Radios Provide the Vital Link for Taiwan's Smart Clothing Industry

    Hytera Dual-mode Radios Provide the Vital Link for Taiwan's Smart Clothing Industry

    Hytera Dual-mode Rugged radios have provided the Taiwan Textile Research Institute with a way to transmit data from physiological bio-sensors embedded in outdoor clothing, thereby opening up new markets for Taiwan's textile industry.
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  • Hytera Rugged MCS Radio PDM680 Product Video
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    Hytera Rugged MCS Radio PDM680 Product Video


  • Hytera RoIP Çözümlü Çok Modlu Gelişmiş Telsiz
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    Hytera RoIP Çözümlü Çok Modlu Gelişmiş Telsiz


  • Hytera PTC680 Mekanik Testi
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    Hytera PTC680 Mekanik Testi


hytera video player