Hytera DMR Two-way Radios

DMR, Digital Mobile Radio, is a digital radio standard by ETSI, European Telecommunications Standards Institute, and was first ratified in 2005. Hytera, an advocate of open standards, has been serving the global market for nearly two decades with a versatile and evolving DMR portfolio, including devices, infrastructure, and software. Professional users from public safety, government institutions, industries, and businesses have benefited from Hytera’s innovation in their daily work, both mission-critical and business-critical.
Commercial Radios

Commercial Radios

Hytera commercial radios have been designed for ease of use in environments where simple voice and data communication are required,  such as restaurants, hotels, supermarkets, schools, and small businesses.
Professional Radios

Professional Radios

Hytera professional radios embedded with the latest DMR technology, are built for business/mission-critical users from various sectors, such as public safety, private security, fire and rescue, transportation, oil and gas, and utilities.
Dual-mode Radios

Dual-mode Radios

Hytera dual-mode radio combines a narrowband radio and a smartphone into a single device. With its automatic switch between narrowband and broadband, users can effortlessly communicate over varying distances and across different user groups.

Discontinued DMR


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