Hytera DMR Solutions Successfully Deployed in Jiangsu Forestry

Hytera DMR Solutions Successfully Deployed in Jiangsu Forestry

  • User


    Forestry Bureau of Jiangsu Province, China
  • Project Time

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  • Products


    Hytera dispatch system PD78X
    Portable Radio MD78X
    Mobile Radio RD98X Repeater


In recent years, the number of the province's forestry end-user has been in a rapid increase, which resulted in high traffic and serious channel blockage. In analog communication system, multiple frequencies at the overlap area among the same network or different networks interfered with each other, causing low efficiency. In addition, the old systems were badly damaged by lightning and other factors. In the event of fire, the old communication system couldn't meet the demands of dispatching because of its inaccurate positioning and poor communication.


After analyzing the customer’s existing communication system and development trend, Hytera built an emergency communication system based on communication network formed by DMR technology and wireless link networking technology to improve communications coverage and transmission rate, to ensure in the event of forest fires a variety of communication means can be used, thereby minimizing the loss caused by the forest fires. The whole project includes 9 provincial & municipal dispatch centers, 32 county dispatch centers, 74 fixed base stations and 46 mobile base stations.

Hytera DMR Solutions Successfully Deployed in Jiangsu Forestry

About Forestry Bureau of Jiangsu Province

Forest fires are very destructive. It will generate great damage to ecological environment and local economic development. Jiangsu communication system for forest fire prevention was constructed in the late 1980s, using analog radio, whose communication coverage failed to meet the current demand for forest fire prevention.


With the newly-built Hytera digital communication system, Jiangsu forest fire prevention communication system forms a three-level dispatching network connecting the provincial, municipal and county dispatching centers together, which fully prepares for the fire prevention work.

IP-interconnect Base station network

The system supports network interconnect via the IP port of repeater to form a provincial forest communication system, which also realizes interconnect between base stations in forest areas and control centers, using digital wireless links.

Mobile emergency communication system

At the scene of an emergency, there are many personals with different wireless communications equipments.

Frequency allocation becomes hard, and even the existing base station’s signal cannot cover the stricken area. With RD98X mobile repeaters, the signal coverage can get to the scene and can also be connected with the control center to ensure a timely and efficient commanding and dispatching.

Flexible networking & dispatching center

Characterized by C/S structure, modularized design and VoIP, Hytera dispatch system delivers the customer an enhanced dispatching and deployment platform with tailored communications network and control center.

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