More than 20 companies participate in the First Meeting of DMR Partners in Iberia


Zaragoza, October, 15th 2018.

Teltronic’s headquarters hosted the First Meeting of DMR Partners in Iberia, an event which was aimed to present the main novelties and solutions offered by the company after its integration in the Hytera Group. The meeting was a success, and more than thirty representatives of 22 different companies from all over the country and Portugal attended the event.

The attendees were able to know Teltronic’s facilities and the work that goes on from them. To that end, besides to visits to the plant, a broad agenda of activities was organized, in which members of the Sales and Product Management teams showed the wide DMR portfolio of products available, as well as the solutions offered by the company over other technologies such as TETRA or LTE.

In the course of the conference, the doubts that arose were resolved and a climate of dialogue was fostered, since the aim was to be a forum to promote networking to share experiences and seek new synergies and business opportunities.

In addition, in this context, two acknowledgments were delivered. The “Hytera Group fidelity award” (Premio a la Trayectoria con Grupo Hytera) was given to Tecradio, a Portuguese company with high experience in the sector, always together with Hytera. The recognition of “Confidence and Efficiency” was for Comunitel, an Andalusian company that in a short space of time has become one of the main dealers of the brand in Spain.

The Sales director of Iberia, Miguel Aladrén, made a very positive valuation of the conference. Aladrén pointed out: “They have been two very intense days that have served us to strengthen links with our partners, understand their needs and convey to them that they have all our support to face any project; they do a great job in more local areas, we have experience in the design and development of large deployments … together we are stronger and we have more room for growth”.

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