Hytera Builds 1st Digital Trunking System in Australia

Hytera Builds 1st Digital Trunking System in Australia

From Analog to Digital

  • User


    Shift, Australia
  • Project Time

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  • Market Segement

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  • Products


    Hytera DMR Trunking Pro 8
    DS 6210 Base Stations


With the rapid growth of business, Shift needs the high performance and dependable telecommunication solutions to satisfy their customer requirements.
• Provide crystal clear digital voice service to ensure voice communication in suburb area;
• GPS, telemetry, data transfer provides extra value;
• High power base station and terminal provides continuous network service for Sydney up to Newcastle;
• Digital encryption option for high security customer;

• Redundancy functions to secure the whole network stability.

Hytera Builds 1st Digital Trunking System in Australia


Since there is no state wide open standard digital network for commercial usage over Australia, Hytera suggested the Hytera DMR Trunking Pro system DS6210 accorded with international standard protocol as the new solution. After a whole year's internal testing of the stability and functionality on Hytera DS6210, Shift is ready to present to the market.

Hytera designs customized solutions based on the existing network, adopting IP based architecture with easy maintenance, supporting future expansion to state wide and national wide, and provides multiple applications to comply the requirement from various industries.

Hytera helps Shift to deploy 8 sites to cover Sydney area in the first phase. This is the first commercial case in Australia to provide smooth upgrade from analogue system to digital Trunking system to the customer from mining site, oil refinery, sporting venues, transportation and etc.

About Shift, Australia

Shift, industry communication solution provider, has a vision to provide the most advanced and flexible radio & network solution covering Australia. In the past 20 years, Shift has designed at trunking network to deliver continuous connection between work sites, staff and their customers.


• Smooth voice communication and continuous network service among the Australia, even in suburb area;

• Rich value-added functions like GPS, Digital encryption bring high security customers extra values.

• Fully redundancy and fall back mode secure stability of the whole network.

Ready to talk? Get in touch with us.

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