First DMR Trunking System Deployed in Municipality of Konya, Turkey

First DMR Trunking System Deployed in Municipality of Konya, Turkey

Make Konya Connected Everywhere

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    Municipality of Konya, Turkey
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    Hytera DMR Trunking Lite System
    DS-6211 Trunking Base Station
    PD78XG Portable Radio
    MD78XG Mobile Radio


As typical continental climate, winter on the Anatolian plateau is especially severe. Konya struggled with heavy snow fall at the beginning of 2015. In order to deliver the installation on time, Hytera and local partner braved difficulties and built dozen antenna towers and plant rooms under the circumstances of rugged, powerless snow-covered mountains.

First DMR Trunking System Deployed in Municipality of Konya, Turkey

Due to the scattered networks and even no network link devices in some area, the original infrastructure of Konya province is very limited. However, given the growing population and municipal development, Konya council hopes to build a professional and reliable network to have 100% full signal coverage in every single part of province so to achieve eventually interconnection and full dispatching within the province.

First DMR Trunking System Deployed in Municipality of Konya, Turkey


Fully understanding the customer's requirements for future expansion, Hytera team and Nevada Elektronik, valuable partner of Hytera in Turkey, proposed turn-key of Hytera DMR trunking lite solution to Konya city council. 750 pieces of portable terminals PD78XG, 400 pieces of mobile terminals MD78XG and 15 DS-6211 trunking base stations are deployed in different departments of 31 districts like government offices, firefighting bureaus, emergency medical services centers, and urban management offices etc., The first DMR trunking system deployed in Turkey made Konya province full of coverage and connected everywhere.

About Municipality of Konya, Turkey

The Konya province is the largest province of Turkey with 41001 km2 area, which is divided into thirty-one districts and has population of 2,013,845. Situating on a plateau of Anatolia, Konya province suffers extreme climate of great temperature difference between winter and summer and day and night.

Mission critical communication was getting more important in parallel of fast development of Konya Province. Therefore we were supposed to take a critical decision to enhance our communication network and Hytera DMR Trunking system has offered a complete solution for us.” I would like to say that we have spent excellent times with Hytera engineers; we have worked as a team. I see that they are putting their whole being into this. I will never forget how they fighted against the heavy snowfall during installation.Now, we are more than rea dy for next missions, with all our public safety teams and we are happy with Hytera radios. Thanks.

Manager of communication system department, Konya municipality


1. Regarding to the interconnection between officials (using telephone) and frontier staff (using radios), Hytera DMR trunking system makes all terminals connected to the SIP telephone system in the building.

2. Voice recording and replaying enable officials to track & monitor voice and data communication.

3. Automatic Vehicle Location function based on online/offline digital map locates terminals in real time.

4. Dispatch workstation offers smart system communication management, which includes individual call, group call and short message. Flexible Group patch and DGNA ensure emergency call for different groups like firefighting and emergency medical departments easily dispatched, especially in emergency situation.

5. Because of new antenna towers and solid plant rooms, a better coverage and clearer voice communication could be ensured even under the harsh environment like Konya.

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