
SONAREP is part of SNPC (Societe National des Petroles du Congo), the national holding firm created in 1998 for helping the government of Congo to assure a better management of the oil resources owned totally by this country.

SONAREP is specialized in oil drilling, but as they do not have a pipeline for the moment, they also need to arrange the transportation of the oil from their onshore field to the refinery.

SONAREP needs an efficient communication network not only for the drilling and transportation operations but also for helping the employees from their HQ to communicate between themselves and with the ones working in their onshore fields.


SONAREP Oil and Gas Company, Congo

Market Segment

Oil & Gas

Project Time



PD79X Ex/PD78X Portable Radio

MD78X Mobile Radio

RD98X Repeater

Customer Demands

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    The biggest challenge for this project was the installation of the microwave link between the two repeaters in order to realize communication between their HQ and onshore fields. All the users' terminals can automatically roam from one site to the other when they transfer between these two sites.

    One of the client’s most important requirements was the tracking of all the vehicles used for oil transportation and the ones used for safety.

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    As part of the modernization program, the Bureau wanted to upgrade the communication and incident recording solutions available to customs staff. It wanted to implement a body worn camera (BWC) system to provide daily recordings and real time viewing capabilities.

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    The BWC solution was needed to capture video evidence, so the footage could be used to review incidents. BOC also wanted to deploy BWCs at ports throughout the Philippine archipelago to enhance its monitoring activities.

The Solution

Considering the SONAREP's challenges and requirements, Hytera proposed a DMR solution as below: 

· The installation of two RD98X repeaters as shown in the diagram;

· A microwave link between the two repeaters. This junction is operated by MTN (the local GSM Operator). A first link is between the SONAREP HQ to MTN and a second one linking MTN HQ to KUNDJI Onshore Field;

· A Hytera dispatch system solution for fleet monitoring;

· Hytera PD78XG for users outside the drilling location and 20 PDG79X Ex for use in most explosive places;

· Hytera MD78XG for the Operational Fleet Tracking.


The most significant benefit of the Hytera solution is that RD98X repeater supports network interconnection via the IP port of repeater to form a private radio network, allowing wide area coverage to meet dispersed locations data and voice communications. All the users realize communication directly not only on their own site but also with the ones on the onshore field.  

With MD78X mobile radios installed on the vehicles, the communication continue seamlessly when the vehicle moves from one base station to another.

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